Well as anyone of you knows that keeps up with my life, I am home because we have no au pair for a month. You also know then that I was looking forward to this despite the fact that I am running the business during nap and in the evenings, which is not so great, because the house is messier and the business is a trainwreck. Take our shippig department.
Mostly when you order something you assume they have a shipping department with efficient people working an efficient plan. Our shipping department is run by 3 three year olds an a screaming mom. So our shipping department today was very cranky one of our staff bit another one and then there was the peeing on the floor of the shipping room, a lost shoe and much running around chasing eachother while alternating between laughing and crying.
Now I don't care how crazy the shipping department looks at your job, but ours is really an emotional, high energy place where snacks and apple juice and potties are in constant demand, at least they don't expect a salary!
Oh an just so I never ever forget, Matthew asked me yesterday " how do you find the person you marry?" He has been concerned about this since he was three. Back then he was only open to marrying someone in the house so we could all remain here. At first he was going to marry Delila, but then he realized she was a grown up already and was opting for Cara. I told him that he could find someone outside of the house and we would make her live in our house. Honestly he will probably find the right girl before he finishes kindergaten, he likes Anglea but my preference is for Karina.