At 6AM my alarm rings, and I am wishing for more sleep despite the fact that I went to sleep at 10 the night before. I find my slippers in the dark and head downstairs to start my coffee, glancing at the 5 lunch bags ready to go standing on the counter. Sandwiches inside with sticky notes for each kid. I shower and have completed what passes as a beauty routine by 6:30. Clothes chosen the night before moves things along.
I head downstairs to sign notes and write checks that I was way too tired last night to fill in. By 6:50 I have some company and breakfast is beginning. I drink some coffee and make sure everyone has something to eat.
I grab Cara dress her, and fix her hair. Everyone has eaten, is dressed with teeth brushed and backpacks in hand, eager to pick a prize from a bowl filled with treats. I say good by and head into school. Work is a blur of activity. Trying to reach children who struggle and understanding very clearly how much parents are counting on this working, I give it all I have.
I pack up and head to the post office and then to Accent Master. I drink a diet coke to keep me going, desperate to go get the boys from school and to see my babies after their long day at school.
Finally it is 5:30 and I can go! I pick up the boys. I am so happy when we walk in the door. Tell me everything, but they don't, they tell me nothing. I know now that the school stories come at night when they are laying in their beds. Then I get my delicious glimpses into their day. Oh I wish I could be a fly on the wall and see how they negotiate this new world.
Everyone is alseep. The kitchen needs to be cleaned, the lunches packed, the living room picked up. I wish I could pick up one of my sleeping babies right now, and cuddle up with them on the couch.