This Sunday starts out like usual, Steve and I get up at 6:30 to prepare for the day. We make French toast most weekend mornings and bacon Yum! The only catch is that our kids wake up starving, so we have to get a jump on the cooking action. Matthew is up early which is no suprise so he cooks with his dad and I take a few pictures for his star of the week poster. Matthew is an exceptional student in that he hands in everything on time and pays careful attention to all the details of his school. He knows all of the janitors by name, what his teacher's husband, mother and sister all do for a living.
When Cara enters the kitchen she greets each one of us "good morning dad, good morning mom, good morning Matt." She loves greetings. All of the babies do like to greet, when we pick up the boys from school there are hugs from each baby to each big boy, who in turn act like they are just tolerating it, but their tiny smiles betray their appreication of the gesture.
After breakfast, we dress everyone for church, digging out dress shoes and clean socks. Church is a landfield to us, but the kids have gotten better. I bring a bag of books and small quiet toys. Today I get to sit next to Chris, who prefers to sit away from the other kids so he can read the miselet. I tell him that the priest will be reading thhose specific words soon. The priest gets started and Chris follows along word for word, right through the easter story. I explain to him what is happening in the story. He is really into it.
We make it through with only one incident. On a bathroom trip there is a brief wait. This is not Mark's forte and he drops his pants in the lobby as he waits his turn for the bathroom. Well at least Mikey didn't request to sit as he can't say s and always replaces it with sh. So when he goes to the bathroom now, he will say I have to sit! But it comes out a bit different then that.
After church we stop for bagels and head home.
We spend the rest of the day doing nothing but playing board games, watching movies, hitting the internet, and reading. Steve shows the kids how to make crosses out of the palms, nonni stops by with some new clothes, Cara is demonstraing her exceptional verbal skills with endless detailed complaints about her brothers and Handro is flying through the air with the greatest of ease from any mount he can find. Another good Sunday.
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