A few weeks ago I was putting the triplets to bed. Part of the routine is that I sit with them for a few minutes while they drift off. I sometimes use this quiet time to pray. Which may sound a little more profound then what it is. Anyway. I usually have a few things that I feel bad about, mostly lack of patience with the kids. And of course my list of requests, good health for family and friends, perseverance, some strength, you get the picture.
This night I looked up and their is Mark sitting up in bed, hands folded, whispering. Now I know he as just mimicking me, and not truly praying but it got me to send up a new prayer. This one says, please, if Mark is praying don't let him think he needs to be forgiven for anything, or to request anything...let him just feel your love him just the way he is.
I almost felt panicked that Mark may think he has failed in any way, I wouldn't want him to spend a minute feeling inadequate. Really Mark it is over, the milk was spilled and cleaned up. I am not angry, you are great. Maybe you hit Cara over the head with your book, but we talked about it and it is done.
God, so I have read feels the same way towards us as a parent does towards a child. Yet I always focus on how I failed, how I need to do and be better. Worthy things of course, but sometimes I have to let it rest.
Mark you just being makes me happy. I love the way kids can bring a truth into such clear focus, for us adults that complicate things so often.
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