Our family

Our family

Monday, July 7, 2008

The trip

Okay, so I failed in my promise to blog everyday. But without a camera, it seems my motivation wanes.
It was a good trip in many ways. The kids had such a nice time, and we did not get tired of eachother's company at any time. Never was there a time when I said, I wish I was going home. I could have actually stayed on the road even longer.

It was good to spend time with them, and to realize that for all of the mistakes I have made as a parent, and the childcare tribulation we contantly seem to be put through, the kids seem more than fine, they seem like good, well adjusted, energetic, trusting little souls.

When I set up the trip, in my mind it was to have an uninterupted period to really connect to the kids. As it turned out, it was even deeper than that fairly deep goal. It became a chance to connect with 3 other great kids, my nieces and nephews. It seems that the only way to keep up with kids, and even teenagers is to be around them. I feel more apart of my larger family then when I left one week ago.
Joe, Sara and Brent are some of the best kids that I know, fun, open, intelligent and kind.

All four of the original kids in our family have been put through some serious challenges in the last few years. I will say that at the end of this week I could see that we are a strong family. We will adjust to the changes and come out not just survivors, but people who can still laugh, see the joy in a day and recognize the blessing of having our children near and having family to lean on.

Thank you to everyone who made this adventure of mine possible,
Mom and dad, for getting me to Pittsburgh and hosting the 4th. For camping when I know you could have been in a fine hotel!
Russ for hosting me and my wrecking crew for the week
Sara for babysitting, packing and unpacking the car and great music!!
Kate for babysitting and packing duties
Kate and Sara for really fun company throughout it all!
Joe for your room and your patience! For making rocking fires! Oh and for Guitar hero!
Brentie for keeping the boys entertained, sharing your toys and being the best 7 year old I have ever known!
Larry, for you good advice and your humor!
Ruth for being perhaps the best Aunt ever, the cool buckets and your endless acceptance of my worst parenting mistakes!
Marty for entertaing the triplets! Espcially Cara.

Thank you all!

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